Diego Jimenez Torres Airport Information

Location: Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Type: Medium Airport

Scheduled Service: No


Local Code: X95


Elevation: 64 Feet

Latitude: 18.3089

Longitude: -65.6619

Runways at Diego Jimenez Torres Airport

Diego Jimenez Torres Airport has 1 runway.

1 3600 Feet75 FeetASPYes

Radio Frequencies

Diego Jimenez Torres Airport utilizes the following radio frequencies.


How about you go in comfort? That beautiful girl for the formal or spectacular wife to be might arrive in a auto that matches her lovliness. A charter car does not show the same image of luxury and classiness. An event for example a wedding or formal states being alongside her is worthy of remembering for numerous months in the future when you hire limousine transport for a certain special moment. Tell her how very extraordinary she is with the rental of a stretch, party, limousine.

When selecting to a limo hire for driving to and back from the airport, it is vital to make sure the firm you select considers your particular travel needs as well as that the driver utilized by the firm is knowledgeable to the area in which you will be touring. There is a variety of benefits offered by agencies, plus such options might be imperative dependant upon which kind of journey is being made. Many agencies provide diverse prices for enterprise and individual usage. Also, every single firm institute their own collection of procedures concerning how work is completed. The least difficult method to investigate the performances of numerous companies before to booking a limo is to use the world wide web and check out agency sites. It is vital to consider the correct count of folks whom may be cruising in the auto since this could establish the exact option of limo that will be made use of. Tons of drivers are qualified,insured, and instructed in the numerous manners of driver duties. Although, it is imperative to check into the business’ company background meticulously. This suggest researching further than the data proposed on their website.

  How about you go in  comfort? That  beautiful girl for the  formal or spectacular  wife to be might arrive in a auto that  matches her lovliness. A  charter car does not  show the same image of  luxury and  classiness. An  event for example a  wedding or formal states  being alongside her is worthy  of remembering for  numerous months in the  future when you hire  limousine transport for a  certain special  moment. Tell her how very extraordinary  she is with the rental of a  stretch, party, limousine.

If folks wonder of renting a limousine company for driving, their brains automatically associate it along with hallowed events like proms or matrimonial ceremonies. Happy teenagers and happy wedding troops journey in comfort plus luxury to ones destinations in a carefree mileau. However, booking a limo hire for getting to an airport is an available choice for using a limo service in daily way. There are lots of diverse important aspects to consider, such as the various pros proposed and pros of utilizing the service, when determining the perfect limousine hire to utilize, and each buyer must make vast examination regarding what organization gives the limousine company which is best-tailored for their travel needs.

Take a coupleseconds to settle down in the soundless peaceful atmosphere. Since all of your attention will be turned to these matters within an undisturbed surrounding sans placing others in hazard by taking your attention,security of all travelers is greater. Post drawn out travel time or stressful hours at the office, a chauffeur takes care of all of the stressing worries of packing up luggage plus productively negotiating cars whilst the rider has the free time to reflect over the day‘s events or make preparations for future events.

Finally, prior to concurring to any company that a limousine firm gives, make sure their fleet of autos is up to date and that they aren’t utilizing cars that are technically questionable. The rental should have a big selection of cars from what to pick in order to exceed the varied travel needs of said riders. If using an airport limo to give a lift to customers, its crucial to project the best image and launching a inferior transportation will not help with trade propositions. Similarly, picking up or dropping off friends at the airport must be a trusted and ease filled event. Utilizing a limo service with a driver to manage all the little extra makes this feasible for each journey. Keep in mind to peruse the business’ references and ensure that the agency have a history of patron happiness. Cautiously weigh both good and cons ratings, as well as make certain the company has a record of giving quality, well-mannered service that is also trustworthy and punctual.

In addition, a limo hire could offer sales determined on amount of time or for the amount ofrepeated hires made with the firm. Through measuring up prices of numerous agencies and hiring a limousine from a precise company frequently,its likely to receive first rate costs as a special client. Remember to ask for an estimate in print which details all of the travel needs of your journey including the incoming time. Repectable limousine companies promise their amenities and are insured. Tons of companies don’t cover toll costs and parking prices within the estimate, and such must be plainly stated in the estimate. Additionally, numerous hires give one hour of price free delay time. This is a crucial plus if a craft doesn’t get there on the dot or a person is behind when preparing to depart.

WM Limo Rental Services does not own, maintain, charter or operate limousine. WM Limo Rental Services is not a direct or indirect Limo Rental Services. WM Limo Rental Services is a broker for Limo Rental Services, finding and arranging the best operators for Limo Rental Services. All Limo Rental Services are provided by third party federally licensed direct Limo Rental Services.