Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport Information

Location: Cali, Colombia

Type: Medium Airport

Scheduled Service: Yes


Local Code: CLO


Elevation: 3162 Feet

Latitude: 3.5432

Longitude: -76.3816

Runways at Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport

Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport has 1 runway.

1 9842 Feet148 FeetASPYes

Radio Frequencies

Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport utilizes the following radio frequencies.

1 APPCALI APP119.100
2 ATISATIS115.500
3 GNDGND121.900
4 RDOCALI RDO126.700
5 TWRTWR118.100

Booking An Airport Limo

When selecting to a limo service for driving to as well as returning from the airport, it is imperative to be positive the firm you choose understands your particular travel wishes and that the chauffer furnished by the company is local to the area that you could be touring. There are a ton of pros provided by companies, plus these selections may prove to be crucial dependant on which kind of journey is being made. Lots of firms give diverse prices for trade and individual utilization. Additionally, every single company establishes its personal group of procedures about how work is done. The easiest way to investigate the performances of numerous agencies before to booking a limousine is to utilize the net and visit business websites. It is vital to keep in mind the accurate number of folks which may be going in the vehicle as this could reveal the correct pick of limo which will be used. Many chauffeurs are licensed,indemnified, and trained in the numerous manners of chauffeur duties. Albeit, its imperative to look into the firm’s company history deeply. This indicates inquiring into more than the info given on their webpage.

Finally, prior to agreeing to any hire that a limo agency gives, make sure their fleet of automobiles is up to date and that they are not making use of automobiles which are mechanically questionable. The rental needs to boast a big variation of vehicles from which to select in order to exceed the varied travel necessities of their clients. If utilizing an airport limo to pick up clients, its crucial to give the best impression and launching a inferior transportation may not help with commerce proposals. Similarly, getting or dropping off loved ones at the airport has to be a safe and stressless occasion. Utilizing a limo hire with a chauffeur to handle all the tiny extra allows this to be feasible for each trip. Don’t forget to verify the company’s recommendations and be sure that the agency have a status of consumer satisfaction. Cautiously think of both positive and bad assessments, plus make certain the company has a reputation of giving excellent, courteous service that is also dependable and timely.

If folks think of booking a limo rental for driving, some brains spontaneously correlate it along with certain happenings for example dances as well as special ceremonies. Happy youngsters and happy marriage crowds trek in ease and luxury to their destinations in a comfortable surrounding. Although, renting a limo service for getting to an airport is an additional possible choice for making use of a limo service in daily way. There are numerous varied significant points to contemplate, for example the diverse amenities provided plus pros of utilizing the amenities, when settling on the best limousine company to utilize, plus each buyer should perform extensive research concerning the organization has the limousine service which is best-appropriate for ones travel requirements.

 Booking An Airport Limo

Take a coupleseconds to rest in the soundless serene surrounding. Because your complete attention can be given to these subjects in an interruption-free atmosphere without placing folks in peril by dividing your attention,protection of all folks is increased. Post long travel time or stressful time at the office, a driver manages all of the stressing minutiae of loading luggage as well as effectively negotiating traffic whilst the rider has the free time to ponder over that day‘s events or make arrangements for future happenings.

In addition, a limo service might provide reduced prices determined on time of travel or for the amount ofduplicated bookings made with the company. By judging against fees of various agencies plus renting a limousine from a precise firm more than once, it is probable to acquire first rate costs as a prized buyer. Do not forget to inquire about an estimate in writing which details all of the journey prerequisites of your journey comprising the incoming time. Repectable limo hires guarantee their amenities and are insured. Many businesses may not cover toll charges and parking fees within the estimate, as well as this ought to be plainly established in the estimate.In addition, numerous hires offer one hour of no cost waiting time. This is an important pro if a plane does not arrive on time or a traveler is behind when getting ready to leave.

WM Limo Rental Services does not own, maintain, charter or operate limousine. WM Limo Rental Services is not a direct or indirect Limo Rental Services. WM Limo Rental Services is a broker for Limo Rental Services, finding and arranging the best operators for Limo Rental Services. All Limo Rental Services are provided by third party federally licensed direct Limo Rental Services.