Piwik is growing Open Source Analytics software, which offers great usability at a great price (Free). We have been using Piwik for several months and are quite pleased with the visitor information it provides.
The benefits Piwik currently provides are:
Server based Analytics Tool, meaning that your data is YOUR data; it is not being shared with anyone (Google).
Being a server based application, the software is installed on your servers, there for eliminating additional DNS look ups therefore keeping your websites load time as fast as possible.
Very easy installation, offers a clear step by step installation guide here, should not take a newbie more than 10-15 minutes to get it up and running.
The user interface is VERY sleek and fast, offers a great data set of information as pre configured.
Piwik being open source, permits the creation of add on’s and user modules that are not offer by non-open source analytics software solutions.
Piwik unlike most of off the shelf software can be built the way you want it, you can contact them and request features, or you can hire a consultant to help customize Piwik for your needs.
Lastly, there are no more excuses, you can now use google2piwik to take your data out of your Google Analytics account and import it into Piwik.
Thanks for Piwik WMLimo has been able to make the most out of every website visit we get.